Thursday, January 1, 2009

Remember 2008 as a year of firsts

I wanted to reflect on 2008 for a moment. We had many firsts this past year that I don't want to forget to acknowledge some of them.

January: We moved out of our apartment in San Marcos and moved in with dear friends while our house was nearing completion. At the very end of the month we were able to move into our new home!

Nathan hanging out in his room in our apartment.

February: On February 7, our second child was born. Kate Elizabeth, 8 pounds 1.8 ounces, 20 1/2 inches of beauty at 7:11 p.m. What a whirl wind that was, but God was so good. He gave us two weeks to settle in our house and my labor with Kate was free of complications, plus my mom and Corey's mom came to help out. During this month we were given fabulous meals made by sweet, dear friends from my prayer coffee group and church.

The morning I checked into the hospital to deliver Kate.

Kate, the morning of February 8th.

March: Potty Training with Nathan nearing completion...Yeah!!!I had to include this photo. It was just too cute for me not to share!
April: First road trips with two kiddos. We drove to Waxahachie for a baby shower for Kate. We also took Kate to her first conference--a Youth Ministry Conference with Doug Fields as the speaker. (I misplaced pictures from this month, but we had a great time.)
May: First Mother's Day with two children.
June: Kate was dedicated at church (the first dedication in the new building, so it was extra special). We also noticed in June that she her right leg seemed larger and longer than her left leg. We began meeting with her pediatrician thinking that she had had a reaction of some sort to a vaccination. Turns out she had different thoughts about it and referred us to a genetist in Austin at Dell Children's. Our appointment was scheduled for August 18.

July: We celebrated Nathan's 3rd birthday by visiting the San Antonio Zoo with our family, having a party at home with friends and also celebrating at Mimi and Poppy's house in Waxahachie--party all month for the this kid!

Happy Birthday, Nathan!
Kate, Rylie (cousin) and Nathan.

I drove Nathan and Kate up to Oklahoma to visit Gigi and Papa, my two sisters and their sons. The kids did great and we had a lot of fun.

I tell you is tricky to get a good picture with all of the different ages. I took what I could get!

August: Took Kate to her first appointment with a genetist where it was confirmed that she had hemihypertrophy on her lower right extremeties (right leg). We were told that she would have to have blood work done every 3 months and an ultrasound on her abdomen every 3 months until age 4 (to check for Wilms tumors that are associated with hemihypertrophy). Then blood checks and ultrasounds will slow down to every 6 months to a year until she turned 8 or so. We had already researched so much about hemihypertrophy--so it was not a shock. She may have to get a shoe insert or shoe lift when she begins learning how to walk. She may also have to have surgery to help correct the leg length when she is a little older. We were incredibly blessed to know a sweet friend who has this same thing and has journeyed through life amazingly well and has had a very active lifestyle. God is sooo good!
In August, we also took a family vacation with Mimi, Poppy, Allie (Corey's sister), Jim (brother-in-law) and Rylie (their daughter). We all stayed in a beach house on Crystal Beach (near Galveston). We had such a good time together playing in the sand and the ocean, sharing great meals (mostly prepared by our awesome chef of a brother-in-law, Jim) and watching the Olympics on into the evenings. Sadly that whole area was destroyed a month later by Hurricane Ike.

Kate and Nathan at Crystal Beach in August.

September: Our church opened up a "Mother's Day Out Program" that I am directing underneath our fabulous Children's Minister--Melinda Hall. It was definitely a great undertaking, but I am thankful to be a part of this ministry.

October: First Halloween with two children. Spiderman and a Tulip Fairy...need I say more? Also, Kate started crawling this month so life became a lot busier around our house.

November: First Thanksgiving as a family of four. We have so much to be thankful for this year.

A picture of Nathan (A.K.A. Elf) and Kate (A.K.A. Angel) before the Dallas Turkey Trot.

December: First MDO Christmas Program--big success. Nathan sang and did all of the motions. It was great! We were so proud of him. Kate's first Christmas. Nathan, at age 3, definitely got into the spirit of Christmas. We had so much fun this year.

Christmas with Santa at Centerpoint Station, San Marcos. If you have never been there--GO! Delish!
I am grateful for all of the firsts that we had in 2008 and look forward with anticipation to what 2009 holds.


Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Awwwwwwww! Look how LITTLE Nathan looked at the beginning of the year! It's amazing to me - STILL - how much they change in a years time. Oh my gosh, those pictures of Kate - they get my baby fever to actin' up again.

Love this! What a year for your family!

Kim said...

Great post, Jennifer! I love seeing your year in review. I'm so glad we got to enjoy 2008 with you and your family!

mills5 said...

Thank you for your encouragement! He is doing great. We had his second pair of shoes fitted for a lift last week, and so far so good. He is definately more balanced with his shoes on, but seems to think it is really funny to dance with a tilt when his shoes are off. We are going to Shriner's Children's Hospital in SLC, they specialize in orthopedics. They are taking really good care of us. How is your daughter? You have a lovely family!